Monday, August 22, 2016

1st Day of School

This year I am sending 2 kids off to school.  My oldest is going into 2nd grade and overall is generally looking forward to it minus the homework. My 3 year old is starting preschool and I am feeling a mixture of emotions. I am a tad concerned for him since he is so young starting.  My oldest was 4 almost 5 when he started preschool and my 3 year old just seems so young.  I am hopeful everything will be ok.  He was also a little slower with his speech development but let me tell you he has made huge improvements in this area in a relatively short time-so thankful.  I am emotional because at one point I was feeling pretty hopeless about my boy talking and after therapy evaluations with no suggestions for help.    So when I drop in off to school for the first time although I will try not to cry but I probably will.  Not because I am sad but because I am in awe of all the progress he has accomplished and so happy that he overcame all the problems he had.

So the first day of school despite some apprehension on my 2nd grader's part went well for him.  I was a little teary eyed when my preschooler was dropped off but so excited for him and the adventure he is going to have.  Hopefully the excitement for school will last awhile and make it easier to get through the school year.

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